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Galactic Attack - Blog Progress Update #3
Posted by Jamison Jerving
09/08/2014 10:49pm
Hey, what's up everybody!
Just wanted to post a blog for an update on the progress of Galactic Attack.
I've started working on the integration of Game Center for the leaderboards. That's going well and is integrated with the arcade mode. I have yet to create a leaderboard for the levels.
There is two levels left to make and the final boss. I've got some ideas down for the final boss fight and it is going to be an epic challenge.
There's a few tweaks that need to be made to the user interface design to keep consistency and to integrate the leaderboards.
Unfortunately, I don't have any new screenshots or video to show as I don't want to spoil too much of the end game levels. I'm hoping to get version 1.0.0 (alpha) submitted to App Store by the end of the week. Pending approval time and how long the alpha testing goes (I'm planning no more than a week), it's looking like it may be closer to the end of October, hopefully week 3.
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